Why Good Design is Worth the Investment

When you look at the world’s biggest and most successful companies, what stands out? If you’re a business owner, it may be their net worth or their business practices. But, for many consumers, it’s the strength of their branding.

Whether you’re a new start up wanting to establish yourself in your target market or a seasoned business owner looking to switch up your branding, how you choose to present your business to the world is essential for your business’ success. After all, the visual impression that your business makes on your dream audience is essential to drawing them in, and to growing your customer base (and your profits!) over time.

Now, it can be tempting to just go ahead and create your branding yourself. After all, it’s your business, and you know everything about managing it and marketing it. Right?

The problem is that business owners often make the mistake of designing for themselves when they should be designing for their intended target audience. Even if your friends, family members or colleagues would describe you as ‘creative’ or as ‘an ideas person’, you may struggle to think outside of the box and consider both what your audience wants to see and what your business needs - rather than what you’d like to see. This isn’t because you’re not creative or an ideas person, but simply because you’re not a trained designer!

To achieve the strongest possible visual impact and to create a lasting statement, you need a professional to help you design your branding - as doing it yourself can only take your business so far! Remember, the world’s most successful companies typically have a designer, or even an entire team of designers, to translate their great ideas into great designs.

Why you Need a Brand Design Agency

When you’re looking to create or upgrade your existing website or branding, a brand design agency can give you the helping hand that you need without the hassle of hiring a new (or your first!) employee.

With their team of qualified, experienced designers, a specialist brand design agency can find out what your audience wants and needs, and translate that into effective, memorable branding that reflects your business and its mission statement.

Imagine that you’re a consumer looking at two businesses that offer exactly the same product or service. If one of the two businesses has strong visual branding that has been carefully targeted towards their market and the other has branding that’s unmemorable and plain (or no visual branding at all!) which one would you buy from?

Communicating your Business Values

A specialist brand design agency can also help you to communicate the values and ethos of your business throughout your branding. This is crucial as, simply put, you could have the best values and the strongest ethos in the world, but if it isn’t backed up by visual branding you’ll find it hard to build trust with your clients and customers, and difficult to grow your business based on these values.

If communicating your business’ values is particularly important to you as a business owner, consider working with a brand design agency whose ethos matches your own to develop and design your business’ new branding.

For example, if you value sustainability, you could work with an ethical brand design agency which values the environment and takes on initiatives to benefit the planet and tackle global issues like deforestation or climate change (like our Work For Good pledge with Friends of the Earth).

Or, similarly, if your business is heavily concerned with human rights, for example, you could search for an ethical branding agency whose human rights ethos aligns strongly with your own.


One of the most crucial services that a professional brand design agency can provide for you is the research that needs to take place before the actual brand design and creation stage.

It is essential to carefully research your business’ intended audience in order to come up with ideas for relevant, targeted branding that will appeal to them - resulting in more potential interest and, crucially, more customers!

A key element of this research process is the persona stage.

Personas are fictional characters which brand designers or brand design agencies create based upon market research. Each persona represents one of the different types of potential consumers that might use your service, product, site, or brand.

Each persona is developed by looking at and combining the demographics, media consumption, fears, emotions, dreams, and everything in between of an imagined individual who represents your target customer.

This process allows you, and the brand design agency which is developing and designing your branding, to take a step back and analyse the effectiveness of different aspects of branding. Simply put, it’s not just a case of standing in your customer’s shoes - it’s ensuring that you’ve done enough market research to give you a good idea of the exact pair that they would choose, too!

For more information on how to research, develop and create your own brand personas, you can check out our blog here.

Strong Branding is Essential

To conclude, while we understand that your business and your brand has far more depth than just the visual aspects, as a successful business ourselves we understand that strong branding is essential.

Branding is what your potential customers will see first, and what will make a good first impression on them - so branding that makes a visual statement is key.

As experienced designers, we strongly believe that when you put together an eye- catching aesthetic and a well-researched, detailed business plan, you truly can become unstoppable in the world of business.

If you are considering upgrading your website, your branding, or both, our talented designers can craft an aesthetic just for you that will not only grab the attention of your target market, but which will reflect your business’ values and mission statement, too!

Interested? Get in touch with us today for a chat about your business’ branding and website design needs!


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