Helping Clients Pivot During Coronavirus: How Our Client Adapted To Survive and Thrive

We got our creative juices flowing working with one of our clients ‘Fruit for the Office’, who usually deliver fresh food boxes to business addresses in London and surrounding counties. 

But since the Covid-19 outbreak, Fruit for the Office have been unable to do what it says on their tin... As offices closed their doors, they saw 80% of their revenue stream dry up. Facing disaster, Fruit For The Office adapted in order to survive: they shifted their focus from office to home deliveries.  

Instead of their usual fruity package, they created an ‘essential items’ box, consisting of bread, milk, fruit and vegetables. Pivoting their proposition was a big hit.

They received 5,000 orders over two days - now that is how you make the best of a bad situation!

They tapped into the huge demand for food deliveries as people struggle to leave their houses, or experience queues for both physical and online shops.

They encouraged customers to buy for themselves, as well as their families and neighbours in isolation. The result? They received 5,000 orders over two days - now that is how you make the best of a bad situation!

Studio 77 were brought on-board to create a no-nonsense landing page with inciting call-to-actions, making their change of proposition clear. We removed the original header of the page so users could focus on the core message. To make sure all information was easy-to-digest, we used bullet-point copy, iconography, and used multiple big bright contact buttons to make the user journey both easy and inviting.

To make sure all information was easy-to-digest, we used bullet-point copy, iconography, and used multiple big bright contact buttons to make the user journey both easy and inviting.

It was important to make the landing page functional, making it clear how the customer’s food shopping problem would be hygienically solved. But equally, we wanted to ensure the audience could connect with Fruit For The Office on a personal level. To humanise the online process, we added a letter from the founder at the bottom of the page, explaining their story, both pre and present-pandemic. 

When the world has gone bananas, at least you can still get fresh food delivered. 


Studio 77 Turns Three Today!


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